Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 12th - I Met a Moose in Maine One Day

Author Ed Shankman and Illustrator Dave O'Neill will be visiting Kennebooks to read and sign their children's book I Met a Moose in Maine One Day!

Join us at Kennebooks from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM on Monday, October 12th to take part in the fun!

"What child doesn't love making friends with animals? But a moose?! In this lovable creation from the team that brought us The Boston Balloonies, a moose walks right into a boy's home and introduces himself. The child narrator tells us: In Maine, as you know, / The moose come and go. / They relax in the streams. / They make tracks in the snow. / . . . That is why, in this case, / Something seemed out of place, / To be here with a moose / In my house, face to face." Together, boy and beast play hide-and-seek (not the best game for a moose), walk to the general store, then take a tour of Maine. They fly about in a seaplane, they run the Penobscot River on a raft made of logs, they hang out on a dock in Camden, and they finish off with some "chocolate moose cake" at a café in Portland!"

- Commonwealth Editions

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